COmmon name: Atlantic Lobster
Classification: Morphology: The Atlantic Lobster had a bilateral body
Phylum: Arthropoda with asymmetrical claws formed from the first five pairs of legs.
Class: Malacostraca The lobster has compound eyes, each made up of 14,000 individual
Order: Decapoda units. They usually have a olive green or greenish brown, though
Family: Nephropidae they may be dusky orange, or even bright blue. They turn bright
Genus: Homarus red when cooked. They usually get to reach about 2 feet in length
and weigh to 2 pounds.
Phylum: Arthropoda with asymmetrical claws formed from the first five pairs of legs.
Class: Malacostraca The lobster has compound eyes, each made up of 14,000 individual
Order: Decapoda units. They usually have a olive green or greenish brown, though
Family: Nephropidae they may be dusky orange, or even bright blue. They turn bright
Genus: Homarus red when cooked. They usually get to reach about 2 feet in length
and weigh to 2 pounds.
FUn facts